Andorid Market on emulator

  1. If you want to use the market on simulator, you can reference to
    Android Market on Emulator
  2. I try the 1.5 and 1.6 version, only 1.5 can work in my environment. 1.6 version has the connection problem.
    Download the HTC system.img from Develop center
  3. Unzip the system.img and copy to home_directory/.android/avd/xxxx.avd (your 1.5 avd) folder. Example :
    1. Window : C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\.android\avd\sdk_1_5.avd
    2. Ubuntu : /home/xxx/.android/avd/sdk_1_5.avd
  4. Use AVD to download the 1.5 sdk
  5. Start avd 1.5
  6. Use ctrl+F11 to slide your keyboard.
  7. Reference
    1. Android Market on Emulator
    2. Develop center
    3. Running Android Market on emulator
    4. Installing Market on the Android Emulator
    5. Android Emulators with Android Market
    6. Markets
    7. Access Android Market from Android Emulator
