androidscreencast - PC use usb to control android device

  1. Desktop app to control an android device remotely using mouse and keyboard.
    Should work on Windows/Linux/MacOS with any android device.
  2. You can use svn to download the source ,svn checkout androidscreencast-read-only
  3. Open the eclipse and import the project
    File | Import | General | Existing Projects into Workspace Next

    Select root directory Browse (Select source code folder) Finish.

  4. Power on the your device, and make sure adb can connect to device.

  5. Run the "AndroidScreencast" project as Java application.

    Select "Main -" OK.

  6. Tool also provide
    "Record" , "Explore" , "Open Url"
    "Home" , "Menu" , "Back" , "Search" , "Call", "End call".

  7. You can also use javaws androidscreencast.jnlp to control the device.Download the jnlp file form web site

    You also can direct click the link to start Click HERE.
  8. Reference
    1. androidscreencast
