- If you want to use the market on simulator, you can reference to
Android Market on Emulator - I try the 1.5 and 1.6 version, only 1.5 can work in my environment. 1.6 version has the connection problem.
Download the HTC system.img from Develop center - Unzip the system.img and copy to home_directory/.android/avd/xxxx.avd (your 1.5 avd) folder. Example :
- Window : C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\.android\avd\sdk_1_5.avd
- Ubuntu : /home/xxx/.android/avd/sdk_1_5.avd
- Window : C:\Documents and Settings\xxx\.android\avd\sdk_1_5.avd
- Use AVD to download the 1.5 sdk
- Start avd 1.5
- Use ctrl+F11 to slide your keyboard.
- Reference