
  1. apt-get install ssh
  2. login : ssh user1@remote_server
  3. copy :scp user1@remote_server:~/file.txt .
    (copy home directory file.txt from remote_server , use user name = user1 to local current folder
  4. copy folder add -r. example
    copy :scp -r user1@remote_server:~/ .
  5. If you want use XManager to connect the Ubuntu, select xterm(Linux).
  6. If you want to allow root to login, set "PermitRootLogin Yes"
  7. Remember to restart service(/etc/init.d/ssh restart)
    if you change the /etc/ssh/sshd_config.

  8. Reference
    1. ubuntu SSH遠端安全連線安裝及設定
