- Fedora 10 svnserve version is 1.6 , and Ubuntu 8.10 is 1.5. If you copy your svn repository from 1.6 format to 1.5.
Client will get error message "SVN Error: Expected fs format between ‘1’ and ‘3’; found format ‘4’".
You can cat your svn repository format
$ cat repos/db/format
4 - You need to upgrade your subversion package to 1.6. You need add the backports to your apt list.Then install the new subversion package from packports.
- 1. Add this line
deb http://www.backports.org/debian lenny-backports main contrib non-freeto your etc/apt/sources.list.
2. Run apt-get update
3. All backports are deactivated by default (i.e. the packages are pinned to 1 by using NotAutomatic: yes in the Release files, just as in experimental). If you want to install something from backports run:
apt-get -t lenny-backports install subversion - Run the svnserve
#svnserve -d -r /mnt/sda/SvnRepos
- Start svnserve when booting
Step 1 – Create your script.
Simply create a new file (I called mine svnserve) and type the command you’d like to run
cd /etc/init.d/ # (thanks Alfonso)
sudo touch svnserve
sudo vi svnserve
svnserve -d -r /usr/local/svn/repository_name
Step 2 – Save the script in the /etc/init.d/ folder
Step 3 – Make the script executable
sudo chmod +x svnserve
Step 4 – Add the script to the boot sequence
sudo update-rc.d svnserve defaults
That’s it. When you’re done you should see some output similar to
Adding system startup for /etc/init.d/svnserve ...
/etc/rc0.d/K20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve
/etc/rc1.d/K20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve
/etc/rc6.d/K20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve
/etc/rc2.d/S20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve
/etc/rc3.d/S20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve
/etc/rc4.d/S20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve
/etc/rc5.d/S20svnserve -> ../init.d/svnserve - Reference